Data Backup Solutions Blaine

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What Law Firms Should Know About Data Backup Solutions in Blaine

Maintaining a reliable data backup system is essential in operating a law firm and ensuring business continuity. But you have to know at least a few critical things about data backup solutions in Blaine to fully understand how important they are to your line of business.

Data Backups Help Keep You in Business

Data backup services will give you your money's worth by keeping you in business even after a ransomware attack, a natural disaster, or a firm-wide hacking. Recovery after getting hit by any of these disasters may only take a few hours or days, so you may not suffer from a prolonged downtime or disruption like other less proactive businesses. The right backup services will keep your firm running, allowing you to help your clients no matter what happens.

Ransomware Attackers Are Targeting Law Firms

Law firms are no stranger to data loss, likely due to data migration blunders or hardware failure. However, ransomware attacks tend to be more destructive as they encrypt large volumes of data, crippling your operation. The attackers will only release them with a decryption key if you pay the ransom. According to a ransomware attack database, law firms are the top targets among legal professional organizations. It does not even matter how big or small you are, so it would be best to be proactive and invest in something like cloud backup services.

Data Backup Solutions Blaine

Assess the Ideal Frequency of Backups

This is one of the critical decisions to make while talking to the provider of data backup solutions in Blaine. First, though, you have to set your backup and disaster recovery objectives and ensure minimal data loss since the last data backup has been made. Some data backup services may be robust enough to copy and store your data every few minutes, which helps avoid data loss in case of a disaster. But you also need to ask the provider if they can provide efficient backups without compromising your operation.

Mother Nature Ravages Anything

Natural disasters don't pick their victims. This is why many law firms with outdated means of data management usually end up losing data and possibly their clients and business, too. You can avoid this outcome, though, by having the foresight to pay for cloud backup services.

Humans Are Prone to Making Errors

Accidentally opening a file with malware, spilling coffee on the computer, or deleting important legal files are recipes for a disaster in busy offices, including law firms. A study showed that human mistakes cause 48% of downtime. While you cannot guarantee a 100% error-free office, you can at least be proactive about this by getting data backup solutions in Blaine.

Backups Will Save You Money and Establish Your Reputation

A good data backup plan will pay off in the long run as you reduce the risk of losing data and clients and save money instead. If you know what to do after a disaster by working with a data backup services provider, it will be easier for you to get back on your feet. This will also show your clients that you're reliable and establish a good reputation as a trustworthy provider of legal services.

Machines Are Bound to Get Worn Out and Broken

Even if you have the most expensive server in town, it is just like any machine out there that is likely to break down or die suddenly. But if you have your cloud backup services to count on, accessing your data will not be much of a problem. You are not reliant on how functional the computer or server is going to be because you have everything you need in the cloud.

Having a Cloud Backup Definitely Helps

Natural disasters could wipe off your entire office structure as well as the data system, so it makes sense to use cloud data backup services. It is worth having to wait for a few minutes or hours to download the backup from the cloud when it means not losing your files even after a disaster hits.

Determine What Critical Data Need Backup

Ask your provider of data backup solutions in Blaine for advice regarding what critical files you should prioritize, aside from what you already categorized as essential data to your operation. Think about how much storage space you can spare and how many hours you are going to spend on restoring your data.

Test Backups to Ensure an Effective Disaster Recovery Plan

Backing up data is only the halfway point in a disaster recovery plan for law firms and other organizations. Make sure to check if you can restore your backup. Don't share your password if you have encrypted your backups.

Network Medics

It's time to establish a backup and disaster recovery plan for your law firm before it's too late. Let Network Medics' experts help you through the process. Let us add more security to your firm's IT infrastructure also with our anti-malware and anti-virus protection, network security, secure connection to the servers and systems, and more. If you want to get more information about our managed IT services, talk to our specialists at 612.315.7160, or request a free assessment through our web form. Contact us today!

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