Cloud Data Backup Bloomington

Get Secure, Reliable IT Solutions

Benefits of Cloud Data Backup in Bloomington That You Can Enjoy

Confidentiality is required the moment your customers hand over their details to you. They fill out a form, provide their personal information, bank details, or similar information to you and they expect you to protect it. This is why data breach and data loss should be prevented at all costs. Fortunately, you can rely on cloud data backup in Bloomington to avoid data loss and let you enjoy several benefits.

No Infrastructure Investment

You don't need to buy new computers or other equipment to support your use of a cloud based backup. Instead, you can integrate it with your existing infrastructure once it is in place. Once the data backup services provider finishes the process of backing up every file of your choice, the files are then stored at a data center offsite.

Having an offsite data backup is critical, given how unpredictable some disasters are. Don't put your entire business and reputation at risk just because you did not have a backup outside of your premises. Data loss can be very costly in terms of lost productivity, lost income, and ruined reputation among your customers.


Regardless of what disaster or accident strikes your office today, your cloud data backup in Bloomington will ensure that you can restore the data needed for the day. This sense of reliability will allow you to get on with the normal day-to-day operation without much disruption. With a cloud based backup, you can set files to be backed after a certain period. It could be hourly, daily, or whatever schedule works best for the nature of your business.

Cloud Data Backup Bloomington

No Tape Backup Needed

Instead of sticking to the costly tape backups that are at a high risk of getting stolen, you can count on cloud data backup services that are more secure, notably when encrypted. Paying for a cloud data backup in Bloomington is all worth it if it meant not having to deal with manual backups, monitoring the progress of this tedious process, and troubleshooting issues that are bound to pop up. But with an automatic cloud backup process, your IT team can devote more time to strategic projects that will boost your growth.

Predictable Expenses

Some cloud based backup services are available for a fixed cost, making it easier for you to handle your IT budget. For that fixed cost, you will have access to the provider's expertise, experience, and infrastructure. You can enjoy the predictability of this particular IT cost instead of dealing with the headache brought about by calculating the costs of cloud data backup in Bloomington, such as software, hardware, media, and maintenance.


Having a cloud based backup allows everyone in your company to access your files anytime and anywhere, as long as they have Internet access. They can also access the data using their desktop computers, smartphones, or any other mobile devices.

Lower Risk of Downtime

Data protection is a long-drawn process that does not end once your data are backed up. The process starts with backing up critical data to a secure storage device, transferring the backup data to another location, testing how fast you can recover data from your backup, and starting the recovery process. The good news is that the cloud data backup in Bloomington has all these steps, making it a secure way to protect your data, minimizing the risk of downtime. You can choose cloud data backup services that will allow you to restore data to minutes before the disruption caused by a disaster or human-made accident.

Quick Data Recovery

Every minute of downtime will cost you in terms of lost revenue, damaged credibility, and lost customers. The longer it lasts, the more it will cost you, which is why you need fast data recovery, something that cloud based backup services can provide. You can restore your data in as fast as a few minutes, depending on the size of the backed-up files.

Data Protection Regulatory Compliance

Most industries have to follow fast-changing data protection regulations. The healthcare industry must observe patient information confidentiality. Organizations are also required to keep financial records for several years or be held liable for failing to do so. If you work with a provider of cloud data backup in Bloomington, they can guide you as to how to comply with the regulations related to privacy protection and data retention.

Access to Expertise and Other Resources

Given that you will find yourself a reliable and experienced cloud based backup service provider, you can expect to enjoy their expertise and existing IT resources. Instead of drowning your in-house IT staff with data backup-related tasks, you can divert their attention to other projects that will contribute to your growth and profitability.

Set and Forget Setup

IT talks can be intimidating, but using a cloud data backup services is quite easy, thanks to its set-it-and-forget-it setup. You can automate specific tasks so you will not have to deal with tedious manual work.

Network Medics

If you are ready to work with managed services that count cloud based backup among them, you can trust Network Medics to deliver. We offer cloud hosting and backup and disaster recovery, so you can rely on us to have your data protection needs covered. Excited to get started? Talk to our IT specialists for a quick assessment. Contact us now at 612.315.7100 or fill out the assessment form you'll find on our website!

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