Quantum Computing has created a Brave New World Since the 1960s, the power of computing has grown exponentially and is quickly reaching the physical limits of any further growth. Quantum computing is the next phase of computing as it is in its infancy and looks …
In 2015, Network Medics was chosen by TN Marketing to assist with their technology and network infrastructure overhaul. Network Medics was chosen due to our enterprise-for-everyone technology solutions, highly certified staff, and sound communication. We are truly our customer’s technology partner whether it comes to …
How HP to Break Up With Itself on November 1st? How HP to Break Up With Itself on November 1st? – HP announced recently that on November 1st, 2015, it will be moving its PC, Laptop, and Printer division to HP, Inc., and the Server, …
Hi, Kevin here. I’m kind of sorry about the epic link bait, but not really. Since it got you here I’ll explain what I mean. Beer, soda, clothes and a number of other things have gone retro in recent years. For the most part I …
Although solid state drives (SSDs) have been around for decades in one form or another, we still get questions regarding their value and performance improvements from a basic laptop all the way to new technology like VMWARE Virtual SAN. Yep, SSDs increase cost, but they …
For the last 7+ years, Network Medics has been involved with helping push the envelope for small business on all the amazing features of virtualization and cloud computing. At least in our home court in Minneapolis, we were one of the first providers of a …
What is the issue? Lenovo System Update validates all system update files as they are downloaded from the Lenovo servers. However, if the local system contains malware, it is possible that the downloaded updates could be altered before installation creating a race condition. The latest …
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